Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The twenty-five rule...?

i'd like to suggest, the twenty-five rule
be put into effect, and used as Your tool
to manage my orgasms, and tell You when
i'm allowed to have them, and only then
when You've had that many, i mean twenty-five
then i can have one, for Your pleasure i'd strive...

if You agree to the goals set yesterday
then that would mean, that i would stay
locked up tight until You had reached
twenty-five orgasms, and that level breached
and if You do the math, seven hundred divided
by the twenty-five, it can be confided...

that my total orgasms, for the entire year
would be twenty-eight, that is most clear
that's just over two a month, unless i get busy
and send my beautiful Queen, into quite a tizzy
of orgasms galore, i'd shoot for the moon!
what do You think Darling? Can we try it til June?

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