Friday, March 02, 2007

Desired commands...

i so want to hear, the words we've laid out
as one words commands, that show Your clout
and to hear Your voice, say "gag" or "plug"
and to see me react, with a kiss and a hug
to show my thanks, and how much i worship
Your entire being, Your body, Your whip...

Now that Your feeling, a wee bit better
i'll follow Your commands, to the letter
and look forward, to hearing them often
raise Your voice, there's no need to soften
or whisper the words, that make me act
in the fashion You want, that's a fact...

i await on my knees, bowing down to You
and the power You hold, wait for the cue
with Your one word commands, i shall obey
and follow Your lead, each and every day
and look forward to, accommodating the demands
that come from my Queen, and the desired commands

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