Sunday, December 17, 2006

No more briefs...

Seems it just wouldn't work, not anymore
for me to wear men's briefs, heretofore
You'd seen me in them, no panties to wear
they were in the laundry, every pair
"I just don't like it, so from now on
it the ladies panties, My slave will don"

"I've gone out and purchased, enough for you
to make sure to wear them, they're all new...
I've disposed of the others, they are all gone
and you're to wear these, My will be done"
"They're made of silk, they're made of lace
and they all show your ass, g-string in place"

"you're My slave, and You shall abide
be My orders on this, I shan't be denied...
I want you in panties, from this day forth
if you know what, My demands are worth...
I shall tan your ass, until it shall bleed
if you disobey this, and don't follow My lead!

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