Sunday, January 01, 2006

My resolution...

My resolution this year, is dedicated to You
the Love of my life, which will forever be true
my devotion is such that i vow here and now
to do whatever You say, and then with a bow
to thank You my Lady, for the opportunity
to service Your needs, a woman of such purity

Purity of soul, of body and mind
of this i'm sure, You're one of a kind
my devotion to You, is total and complete
and my goal this year, to accomplish the feat
of making You happy, as i cater to Your needs
with the best of intentions, and daily good deeds

No task is too menial, or for that matter
to big that i can't serve it up on a platter
figuratively speaking, as a matter of course
if it can't be placed there, and without remorse
i shant look back, and rue this day
i conspired to enslave me, without any pay

for the payment i receive is Your love ongoing
from the first day we met, our hearts were all-knowing
we were meant to be, in eachother's arms
as we each fell for, the other's charms
God knows also, i fell for Your beauty
to make Your dreams come true is my duty

So as we embark on another new year
i devote my entire self to You my dear
i do this not lightly, and of my own free will
as long as i live, and my heart beats still
Your desires are mine, until they are met
and attained as You wish, then i'll be set

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